Travel Award

The Weeds Society of WA Inc. (WSWA) Travel Award will be made available annually, or less frequently depending on the standard of applications.

The value of the award will be up to $2000 annually.

Applications are invited from students, weed scientists, other professional staff or members of the general public engaging in any aspect of weed research (in the fields of agriculture, botany, biology, ecology, horticulture, forestry or related subjects) or engaged in weed management/control. The purpose of the travel award is to facilitate travel to attend national or international conferences/forums.

Applications are to be submitted by March 20 each year, and the funds will be awarded by 30 March.
Application forms can be obtained from and submitted to:
The Secretary, Weeds Society of WA Inc.
Phone and email contact details can be obtained at:

General conditions and information on application
The award will be open to anyone residing in Western Australia. The committee may at its discretion award part of the funds to two separate applicants, award the total funds to more than one applicant, or alternatively refrain from awarding the funds to any applicant, depending on the quality of the applications.

The award is not expected to cover the total cost of Conference attendance. It will therefore be necessary for an applicant to ensure that other funding is available. Applicants will be expected to give a presentation (oral or poster presentation) at the conference/forum. An abstract that has been accepted by the conference organising committee should be submitted with the application.

On return the successful applicant will be expected to give a verbal report to WSWA, during a seminar, meeting or workshop conducted by WSWA, or a written report. The report can be on the topic presented by the applicant at the conference, the applicant’s findings from the trip or other information. The topic and nature of the report will be decided through consultation between the applicant and WSWA.